PP fiber filter element
There is no fixed replacement time for the replacement fiber filter. When the color of the entire filter changes from white to brown, it needs to be replaced.
KDF filter element
Replace with KDF filter element KDF-55 filter element can kill algae and fungi, inhibit bacterial growth, remove chlorine, pesticides, organic matter, rust, unpleasant taste and odor, hydrogen sulfide, lead, mercury, copper, nickel, cadmium, arsenic, antimony, aluminum and many other soluble heavy metal ions. KDF filter element can filter about 6000 liters of drinking water.
ION resin filter
Replace with ION resin filter If the water quality in the area is too hard, it is recommended to install ION resin filter to extend the life of the water recovery machine. The function of ION resin filter is to convert hard water into soft water (Hong Kong water quality is soft water, and the water quality in mainland China is mostly hard water). ION resin filter can be used for about 600~1000 liters in hard water areas.
Antibacterial activated carbon filter
The antibacterial activated carbon filter is an activated carbon filter containing silver ions. It has antibacterial properties and can effectively remove chlorine. It can filter about 6,000 liters of tap water depending on the water quality.